Many facilities operate machines of varying age and complexity. Process changes and routine maintenance can introduce risk to a system that must not go unmitigated. Our process aims to provide you with objective understanding of the machinery safeguarding gaps and challenges facing your operation in order for you to make the right decisions for your team.

Strategy & Approach

Our safety professionals draw on years of experience and training to assess your equipment and create a clear path forward. Our deliverables will give you the understanding you need and provide information for subsequent guarding installers to thoroughly protect your equipment.

Proactive Risk Mitigation
Machine guarding aims to prevent access to hazardous points of operation, stopping incidents before they happen.
Reinforced Culture & Productivity
Properly functioning and maintained machine guarding does not go unnoticed. This promotes peace of mind and a positive, better-performing work environment for all.
Integrated Operation & Maintenance
Our team consults with your operators and maintenance experts to make recommendations that work for them, not against them.
Hazard Recognition
A risk assessment equips workers to recognize hazards before they can lead to an incident. Proper training and education will ensure workers recognize ineffective guards and even newly introduced hazards from process changes.
Asset Preservation
Understanding and mitigating your machine guarding risks also means preventing foreign objects or other variables from entering your machines. This can often minimize downtime and optimize the integrity of your equipment.

Let’s work together